Since you can’t trade your body in and get a new, “perfect” one in time for summer, you have to work with what you’ve got.

To make your car run better, you follow the recommendations of your mechanic and the owner’s manual. That’s the same idea with your body, to look and feel better you need to take better care of it – by following a different kind of owner’s manual.

It starts with determining how you want to feel and look. Then you assess what’s not working, and create a plan to get you there – your updated owner’s manual!

Do you suffer from any symptoms, conditions or weight issues and you can’t seem to find the root cause?

Did you know an estimated 30- 90 percent of the US population suffers from one or more food intolerances/sensitivities.

The sneaky thing about a food intolerance/sensitivity is that we rarely associate our many symptoms and conditions with what we eat, because we think that our food is safe. If you suffer from weight issues, acne, acid reflux, arthritis, ear infections, eczema, hives, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, headaches, depression, asthma, or diabetes (to name a few) do you question what you ate for breakfast? Unless we have an extreme, immediate allergic reaction to a food, we don’t consider what we eat as the source of the problem.

Food Intolerance -Have you ever considered that these foods might be a problem for you?

Given the volume of food additives and complex processes that are employed in the food industry today, allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities to foods are more prevalent than ever. The list may surprise you – the “Big Eight” common food allergens and intolerances/sensitivities are: wheat, dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish and eggs.

You can see your doctor for tests, or you can self-test using tests in the Eating for Vitality Diet book (Free Preview) or online program.

By adapting your diet and increasing your physical activity you’ll get on a path to best manage your health and weight issues. Consult experts about diet and exercise, or learn more about how to create your plan from my step-by-step book or through my online video program.

Diet and physical activity are nothing new, right? Just like fixing a dent in your car fender isn’t difficult. In both cases you have to find the right help. What is important and different here is that this is a lifestyle that can help you look better, feel better, have more energy, and lose weight.

Success happens when you make lifestyle changes that are tailored to your needs.

I know. I’ve done it for myself and helped many others do it!

Thanks for reading and hope to see you back here for more healthy tips!