Fresh-Berries-and-Coconut-Cream-Eating-For-Vitality-DietA healthy, delicious and refreshing dessert that is gluten free, dairy and egg-free – especially great for summer entertaining!

You’ll need a hand mixer and a medium sized stainless steel mixing bowl.

Mixed Berries with Coconut Crème Anglaise Ingredients:

  • Mixed Berries of Choice (Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, etc.)
  • 1 Can unsweetened organic full fat Coconut Milk*
  • 2 Tbsps. real maple syrup, agave nectar or powdered evaporated cane juice**
  • 2 tsps. Vanilla Extract (alcohol free)
  • 1/2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
  • Tiny pinch of sea salt

*Coconut Milk – I suggest Natural Value Organic Coconut Milk that contains: No stabilizers, No emulsifiers, No whiteners, No Guar Gum, is Kosher and BPA-Free cans.

How to choose the right can of coconut milk if it contains guar gum: Pick up the can of coconut milk and give it a very gentle shake. If you can hear the liquid sloshing around, this can of coconut milk will NOT work for making coconut whipped cream.The stabilizers in some cans just won’t allow the milk fat to separate from the water. What you need to listen for is either a small pocket of air that moves around making a soft gurgle sound, or not much of a sound at all, but a feeling that the contents of the can is more solid inside. This method has proven to be effective in finding the cans of coconut milk that encourage milk fat separation. Very Important!

**Stevia drops (just a few drops) can be used for a sugar free substitution.


Make the Crème Anglaise first.  Crème Anglaise is French for “English cream”, which is pouring custard used as a dessert cream or sauce.

  1. Open the can and gently scoop out all the solid coconut cream (milk fat) from the top and place it in a mixing bowl (leaving about 1/4 -1/2 can of coconut water. You won’t be whipping this part – use it to thin refrigerated crème anglaise or in smoothies. Note: If you have more than 1/2 cup coconut water left in the can, then reduce the added ingredients to taste.
  2. Whip the thick coconut milk fat (cream) with the hand mixer adding the rest of ingredients.
  3. Use this crème anglaise just like regular dairy crème anglaise.Store it in the fridge in a sealed container. It will firm up in the fridge. Simply scoop it into a bowl and re-whip with some of the reserved coconut water. Or if you’d like more of a whipped cream texture, then simply scoop it into a bowl and whip it without adding coconut water. Lasts for 1 week refrigerated.

Enjoy! For more healthy lifestyle ideas, visit my blog and check out my Eating for Vitality program.